
Masika sipa

Currency and exchange

Ariary Scheine

Currency Since 2002 you pay in Madagascar in Ariary (MGA) and no longer in Franc Malgache (FMG). Similar to how a few people in Germany still convert to Deutsche Mark, some Madagascans still write FMG on their price boards – the conversion works as follows: 5 FMG = 1 MGA. If a price on the street seems unrealistically high, it …


Internet, phone and wifi

Telephone and mobile networks The telephone network in Madagascar is increasingly being expanded but is still inadequate in many places. The international prefix for Madagascar is 00 261, followed by a two-digit access code, depending on which landline network you want to call. This is followed by the two-digit regional area code and the actual five-digit landline number. The fixed …



Zebu-Charettes im Hochland

Tipping is usual among travelers in Madagascar although a topic that has caused anxiety, too. This mainly concerns the payment of guides in national parks and reserves, but also drivers. Luggage carriers in hotels or parking lot attendants are also happy about a small tip – many of them earn their daily salary solely through it. On day trips, in …


Pirates’ cemetery St. Pierre

Legend tells that there was the famous pirates‘ republic of Libertalia at Madagascar’s eastcoast in 17th and 18th century, more precise at Nosy Boraha (St. Marie). Fallen over and skew, century old tombstones at the forlorn cemetery St. Pierre, near the biggest city oft he island, Ambodifotatra, bear witness at least to an adventurous time at the Malagasy island. Famous …


Mitsinjo reserve

Mitsinjo: Mitsinjo means as much as “looking ahead” or “planning the future”. Location: The reserve is located close to the village Andasibe in eastern Madagascar, around 140 km away from the capital Antananarivo, in the region Alaotra-Mangoro. You drive approximately four hours on RN2, which is not in the best condition, and then change direction at a well-signed junction. Information …


Against the tide: A climbing Mantella

Mantella laevigata

Actually, Madagascan Mantellae all look very similar: Striking colours, small and slender, terrestrial frogs. But one steps out the line: The climbing Mantella (Mantella laevigata). This Mantella was described in 1913 by British zoologists Paul Ashleyford Methuen and John Hewitt, who did a seven months lasting expedition to Madagascar two years ago. The climbing Mantella grows up to maximally 29 …


Taxi Be

Taxi Be

The counterpart to the bush taxis or Taxibrousse in Madagascar is the so-called taxi be. In English, this simply means “big taxi”. They run exclusively in the city traffic of larger cities or between suburbs and do not undertake cross-country trips. You can easily recognize them by the colorful stripes around the minibus and the large numbers behind the windscreen. …


The carnivore among plants

Nepenthes madagascariensis

Carnivorous plants in Madagascar? Yes, there are! Two species of pitcher plants (Nepenthes madagascariensis and Nepenthes masoalensis) solely exist on the big island. You can find them in open, sunny areas on humid sandy soil along Madagascar’s east coast. In northern direction, they occur until Antongil bay and in southern direction until Tolagnaro (French Fort Dauphin). Mostly, large populations are …


Pierrot Men and his photographic studio

Pierrot Men

Pierrot Men is a household name in Madagascar: he has been the most famous photographer on the island for over 40 years. Above all, the many black and white photographs from the lives of his compatriots remain in his memory and touch people all over the world. Pierrot was born in 1954 as Chan Hong Men Pierrot in Midongy du …


Nosy Tanikely national park

Nosy Tanikely

Nosy Tanikely: Nosy Tanikely means “island of little earth”, which alludes to the small area of the island. The often-used spelling “Tanihely” with h instead of k is not a spelling mistake, but only the name of the park in the dialect of the local people, the Sakalava. Location: Nosy Tanikely National Park is located in northwestern Madagascar off the …

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