

The Green Bright-Eyed Frog

Anyone who has ever been on the road in Andasibe-Mantadia will surely have discovered it at night: Boophis viridis, the Green Bright-Eyed Frog. Most specimens have a lot of red dots on their body, which is especially noticeable at night. They only grow to 29 to 35 mm, with the females occupying the upper size places. You can easily distinguish …


The red river Betsiboka

The Betsiboka River is one of the longest rivers in Madagascar with 525 kilometers. It has its source at around 1600 meters above sea level in the central highlands. From there it flows in a north-western direction, passes the capital Antananarivo and continues in a meandering course. The Betsiboka has a water catchment area of around 11,800 km². Some areas …


Equality in the rainforest: White-fronted lemurs

White-fronted lemurs (Eulemur albifrons) carry their name thanks to the appearance of the males: They have white fur around their face, which makes them look a bit old and wise. The corresponding females are rather unobtrusively colored and have completely brown fur. With two to two and a half kilos the lemurs are not very large, the weight is more …


The lighthouse of Katsepy

On the Katsepy peninsula, situated on a 121-meter high cliff, stands one of the few historical lighthouses of Madagascar. The bay of Bombetoka separates Katsepy from the largest port city in the West, Mahajanga, in the Boeny region. If you cross the bay by boat through the red-colored water, which is fed by the river Betsiboka and carries laterite, you …


The graves of the Vazimba

An ancient legend says that the first people in Madagascar were the Vazimba. They came from far away in boats across the great sea to colonize the new land they called Madagascar. According to legend, they found their home in the Tsingys, the needle-sharp rocks of Bemaraha, in western Madagascar. To reach the Tsingys, one still has to cross the …


The oldest houses of Antananarivo

In the upper town of Antananarivo, you can find today the historical center of the city, Faravohitra. The two oldest houses of the city are also located in this district. They are located somewhat inconspicuously on a hillside. Both houses were built exactly as they still stand today, probably already at the end of the 18th or the beginning of …


10 good reasons to travel to Madagascar

10 gute Gründe, nach Madagaskar zu reisen

#1 Baobabs: Madagascar’s legendary Baobab Alley is located in the west of the island. The mighty trees with their impressive silhouettes are famous all over the world. On Madagascar there are seven different species of Baobabs, on earth, there are only eight species in total. Discover the Baobab forests of Andavadoaka and visit the “Mother of the forest” in Tsimanampetsotsa! …


Mysterious and nocturnal: The Votsotsa

A very special inhabitant of Madagascar is the Votsotsa. It looks like a mixture of a rabbit, a kangaroo, and a rat. Big ears, cute black button eyes, a partly jumping locomotion, and a hardly hairy, narrow tail. In fact, the Votsotsa belongs to the Madagascar rats, a separate genus that only lives in Madagascar. It is the largest rodent …


The Ankarana Sportive Lemur

Sportive Lemurs are everywhere in Madagascar. But every place has its own species. In the far north of Madagascar, in the dry forests of Ankarana, lives the eponymous Ankarana Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur ankaranensis). It is widespread as far as the nearby rainforests and dry forests of the Amber Mountain as well as Analamerana and Manongarivo and is only about 25 …


Perfectly camouflaged giants: Uroplatus giganteus

Madagascar’s reptiles offer many a superlative. The smallest lizard in the world, the most colorful chameleons, the smallest iguana, the rarest tortoise – all that is missing is a record-breaking gecko. The Giant Leaf-tailed Gecko (Uroplatus giganteus) fills exactly this gap. It measures up to 34.5 cm and is thus the second largest gecko in the world. The giants among …

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