
Hot spots

The geysers nearby Ampefy

Geysir von Ampefy

There is an unusual place about 125 km west of Antananarivo near the small town of Ampefy: there you can see the only geysers of Madagascar. To get there you have to drive to Analavory, a town near Lake Itasy. From here you can reach Andranomandraotra, the place of the four geysers, over 12 km offroad track. However, the geysers …


Chinese cemetery of Manakara

Chinesischer Friedhof Manakara

Some curiosities of Madagascar stay well hidden and are only found by accident. One of them is in the Vatovavy-Fitovinany region in southeast Madagascar. In a small fishing village called Ampasimandrorona, a few kilometres from the centre, there is a small, old cemetery directly on the Indian Ocean. Between poor huts and tropical remains of rainforest, it seems a bit …


Ifaty-Mangily beaches

Ifaty-Mangily is a village about 30 km north of Toliara (Tuléar) in southwest Madagascar. Ifaty was originally a pure fishing village, but due to its favourable location directly in front of a coral reef and its proximity to Toliara, the first tourist infrastructure developed in the 1970s: the beginning of Mangily. Today, both terms are often used synonymously, although they …

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