
Schlagwort-Archiv: Spices Madagascar

Where the pepper grows

Pfefferranke am Baum, Ankify

Salt and pepper: These are probably the spices that every person worldwide knows and eats almost daily in their meals. In the well-assorted spice trade you will find different varieties: green, black, white or red pepper. But only one single plant produces this variety of real pepper: the black pepper (Piper nigrum). The name is admittedly somewhat misleading. It is …


From bean to spice – vanilla


The vanilla plant is actually an orchid and has been successfully cultivated in Madagascar for over a century. Although originally from Central America, Madagascar is now the world’s largest exporter of vanilla. But it will be a long way before the “queen of spices” lands in Europe. Vanilla grows particularly well wherever it is warm and very humid. Their tendrils …


The big market of Toamasina

Toamasina (Tamatave) is the largest city on Madagascar’s east coast, and is home to the country’s largest port. This makes it the largest transshipment centre for spices, food and everyday goods in the area. The city has two markets, the small market (Bazary Kely) directly at the station and the large market (Bazary Be) between Rue Admiral Billard and Rue …

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