
Schlagwort-Archiv: Tana

The Street of Independence

Situated in the middle of the capital Antananarivo, it is the center of all events: The Street of Independence, French Avenue de l’Indépendance. It is located in the lower town, in the district Analakely, and is a former boulevard from French colonial times. Even today it is still considered a Malagasy promenade. Restaurants, cafés, shops, and bars line up here …


The terracotta relief of Antananarivo

It is a bit hidden on the edge of a street in the district of Andohalo. But those who visit the royal palace of the capital of Madagascar should not simply walk past this piece of history. Directly at the Lalana Ramboatiana between the Rova of Antananarivo and the palace of the Prime Minister runs approximately 40 meters long terracotta …


The thousand stairs of Tana

Die tausend Treppen von Tana

In the center of Madagascar’s capital, Antananarivo, endless steps connect the upper and lower city. They are called the “the thousand stairs of Tana” and it is worthwhile to stop by here as a traveler. To reach the stairs, simply follow the Street of Independence towards the Street of 26th June 1960 (Independence Day of Madagascar). The southern staircase leads …

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